Saturday, August 3, 2013

A New View On Everything

I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I had an epiphany yesterday while I was looking over some of my Bo Staff spinning videos.  While watching them in super slow motion suddenly it just clicked in my head: circles.  Circles are the answer to everything and learning how circles work will change everything.  With the videos in slow motion, the Bo Staff is bent at massive angles and I could see all the potential energy the weapon possessed.  I have been approaching everything wrong or at least closed minded up until that point.  It has made me realize the true importance of balance, it makes me want to pick up my old calculus books and take another look at tangent lines.  It's made me realize how the human body works, how motion works, how power is generated, this one simple thought has literally changed the way I view the world.  I'm seeing angles in everything.

It instantly changed my training.  I didn't know how to hold the weapons before, but now I know.  I was holding everything ineffectively, but now it has all changed.

While holding my three sectional staff with my new realization I struck with such force on my heavy bag that I snapped off one of the chain links, but even upon breaking the section that flew off was still flying straight, which means I hit with the perfect strike.

Good things are happening my friends.  I have made a huge discovery :-)

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