Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 1: Thoughts

Today was somewhat of a recovery day/thought process day.  I've been thinking about how I want to approach my training now and how I want to document what I do.  I'm planning on changing my sleep schedule as well as the last few changes I need to make to my daily activities.  I've been struggling at work to focus on my writing and training, because I am easily distracted by the TV.  At my own house I'm trying to get rid of a lot of the things that have tempted me too.

All these things are easy to think about, but hard to really accomplish.  I've wanted to sell my computer for years because that is the greatest time waster by far.  Never has anything else had to the ability to call me over to it and waste away 8 to... 40 hours at a time.  It doesn't matter how motivated I am to do something, all I have to do is sit down in my computer chair for 10 seconds and in a flash the entire day is gone. The temptation that causes is pretty impressive and I completely admit to the very real fact that I used to have major video game addictions.  My friend and I who used to play World of Warcraft together always talk about the "itch" which we solidify by pantomiming putting a needle into our arms.  Because in reality, that's what it was.  Our brains got a kick off the idea of playing this game and it wasn't actually playing the game that was fun, it was the idea of playing the game.  Whenever I stop and look back on what my life was like when I played that game, it always surprises me.  The things I, just astonishing.  Devoting my life to something so meaningless, years that I can never get back.

All I know is that I am glad that I moved on from that.  I have friends who I met through the internet who still play it and I know they must hate it.  I guess what I'm saying is, if you play WOW or any other MMO, think about what you strive to accomplish in that game, whether it is to become a PVP god, get all the legendary loot, or beat all that end game content, if that game is taking over your life and you are neglecting yourself over it, find something that can replace it in real life!  I 'm a graphics nerd, I love when new technology comes out, I remember when Donkey Kong 64 came out and that was the first time my mind had been blown by video game graphics.  With that being said, no matter how good the technology may become, nothing will compare to what the graphics look like in real life.  People spend all this time questing, running through forests and talking about how beautiful the game is.  Well my friends, go outside, grab a stick, imagine you are the most badass character from any game you have ever played and just experience life out in the woods.  I guarantee you that running through the woods and swinging around a stick, using your imagination and taking in the real world, it will be far more satisfying than anything you've ever accomplished in a video game.

Well, I ended up going on quite a rant there, but that is all part of the experience I want to have with writing this blog and with the way I live my life now.  If an idea comes to my mind that I am passionate about, I don't have a problem writing about it and stating my opinion on it.  No one is reading this right now anyway, so there isn't really anyone to complain about me straying from martial arts.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting read. I'm glad you got out of the trap MMO's seem to be. This is why I have avoided MMO's, and don't find much interest in them. It isn't skilled based, and a lot of it is just using time to walk..
