So what's on my mind for today? All sorts of things as usual. I was extremely tired from the gym last night and from swinging my Bo Staff around. One of my clients was giving me some useful advice about the direction I should take with the blog due to the fact that I haven't really organized it too much yet. It's hard to organize a blog when you lack organization in other aspects of your life. Like I said previously, I still am planning on getting rid of many of my possessions or most of my possessions, I just haven't decided how I want to go about it yet. Do I want to try to sell everything on E-bay, do I want to give it away to friends, give it to the homeless... I'm not sure. You would think the natural order of things would be friends>internet>charity>garbage, but I don't know. A part of me kind of wants to just avoid the hassle of trying to sell it and just give it away, a part of me thinks it would be a nicer way to approach the atypical format of getting rid of stuff.
I've come to realize the problem isn't the desire to really keep everything, it's just that I am quite unorganized so I can tell myself over and over again that I want to get rid of everything, but I will continuously forget or be busy with other things. Not that that is a bad thing at all, I like who I am and I like that my brain is constantly going and sometimes prevents me to accomplish certain things, it definitely keeps thing interesting.
I slept way to long today, it seems I was overly tired from my first day back in the gym in a few days. I'm not really upset with that either, sometimes you just need to relax and recuperate from the previous days exhaustion so I'm glad I could do just that! I'm still trying to figure out what I want to talk about with this blog, do I want to have a thoughts section, to describe how I think and feel during my training or do I want to keep it more just discussion based about how training is going and such. I feel just talking about training though is only one side of the equation, because so much thought and effort goes into what I do, it would be difficult to talk just about training without discussing the psychological and emotional impact the day to day brings.
I guess for now I will continue to keep it with this layout: Training and Thoughts until I can work out how I want everything categorized.
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