Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 2: Thoughts

I've been thinking about for a long time how I have wanted to work on some key life skills, so today I finally decided to go and do just that.  I've always hated how even though I am a fairly fast at typing, I've never been able to type ergonomically or using home row.  I decided that because I am going through so many life changes right now, that now would actually be the perfect time to teach myself.  One of the main things I'm attempting to do is work more without having my forearms touch anything.  This goes for writing, typing, drawing, eating, essentially anything where I would previously rest my arms down, I've decided to keep my arms off of anything.  I can feel the burn quite well as this is something that I've never really thought about before, but I think it will really enhance all the aspects of my life.   Especially penmanship. I've always always hated my hand writing and I don't necessarily blame my education either, I know I am at fault, but I've always wanted to be able to write pretty words.  I've never once wrote on a piece of paper and been like, "Yup, totally proud of this."  From my perspective, how do I expect to become this master of life, if I cannot even master holding a pencil?  How do I expect to create forms and be the most efficient in my martial arts training, if I cannot even remember how to hold my hands on a keyboard to be efficient in typing.  Especially now that I plan to write on this blog continuously, it seems pretty important and a great way to really work on accomplishing this.  The blog will help test my patience with keeping my hands aligned and my journal will help me work on my penmanship.  That is the best part about this journey.  Everything that I do, everything in my daily life I feel I can apply to reaching my goals.   Something as simple as writing better with a pencil and paper could give me the confidence I need and the discipline I need for so many other things.  I'm really excited about adding this as a part of my training.  I will upload pictures into a separate section showing my penmanship progress and also my typing times and scores and such!

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