Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Day 1: Training

My training today will consist mostly of weapons.  I went out last night to celebrate my good friend's birthday and although I normally don't drink, he made me an offer I couldn't refuse.  Dead Guy Ale is just way too good to pass up.  But, like what always seems to happen, I overslept, missed my gym time, and ate some crappy food.  So that is why I try to keep drinking down to a minimum.

After I get off work, I will go home and begin some more weapons training.  Last night, I tested a new 3 section staff that I just purchased over the weekend and really enjoying the way it moves.  You really have to appreciate the raw power of this invention and it made me glad I was not the first person who unfortunately happened to face someone wielding one for the first time. It is deceptively powerful and when I say powerful, I mean swing it incorrectly and easily break a bone or much much worse type of powerful.  I'm still afraid of it to be honest, even after swinging it around for a few hours and getting the feel for it, I have to respect what it can do.  I made one simple mistake and twisted my wrist while I was swinging it over my head and I felt the 3rd section whip and clip the hair on the back of my head, I was very lucky.  Had it clipped my head, I would probably still be laying on the ground.

The three section staff is the most unique weapon I've wielded so far.  It is scary to use because you can essentially generate the force of. . . say a baseball bat, but at the end of this bat you have a rotating, whipping, solid oak rod.  Many people fail to realize the power of nunchaku alone, but with this weapon you are essentially adding the force of a nunchaku to the power of a baseball bat.  Unlike other weapons when swung, the only thing keeping the staff looking like a staff is the centripetal force being exerted upon it, which is obviously broken whenever you strike with it.  You are essentially dealing with the whiplash of this highly unstable, highly dangerous, highly powerful weapon and it really helps you appreciate the laws of physics.  Understanding how the force you apply and based on the angle you apply it is vital in making sure you are not standing in the way when it comes whipping back.Because I spend most of my time using my weapons on my heavy bag, it is continuously swaying.  Timing, force, speed, these are all vital concepts to understand while swinging this weapon around.

I hope to one day make some videos as I become more proficient with my weapons, tomorrow I will go into more detail about other weapons I train with too.

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